I remember the time when I was doing ads for the first client.
That time was hard and I didn't know what I was doing.
Back then there was one thing where I did suck at the most.
I was bad at making offers…
The ads burned down many times, because of it.
I made the mistake of writing that offer about whatever comes out of my head.
And I tell you that is not the way to do it.
The way to do it is really simple and easy to learn, but most people don't know about it.
But don't worry!
I will tell you how to fix your offers.
So let's begin…
One of the first things that people forget about offers is this.
They forget the reason why offers even exist.
Well let me tell you.
The offer exists because ads need to make clients do something.
It means direct response.
They should do something, right?
Otherwise the ad doesn't have apoint to exist.
It can be: “click”, “watch this”, “plan a call” or "Buy this”.
So next, we need to talk about two things in this context.
One is the threshold problem.
And the second thing is one step versus two steps.
If you look up the definition of a “threshold”, it's sort of a barrier.
And yes, threshold is the barrier between you asking clients something and they actually doing it.
So if we run an ad and it says, get a million dollars transfer to your bank account.
And the only thing you have to do is send your kidney.
That is a massive ask!
They have to extract a kidney, put it in an envelope, send it and hope that the money is sent.
That's a high threshold offer, isn't it?
You don't want to risk all of that.
So think then does your client want to risk something else.
No, of course not!
The ad needs to have a low threshold offer.
Low risk thing.
Now here's an extremely important marketing principle.
I think that almost no one realizes this, and it's gonna take 10 years for people to catch up.
So let's say I sell Botox treatments.
You basically squirt something in your face, inject it and then the little wrinkles and the lines go away.
Let's say It's a 500 € sale.
And you buy a package or that botox product.
Now the one step lead generation which most people understand.
You run an ad and the ad says:
“Botox is good for you and it makes you prettier.
We are really good at Botox when we have done this for a while.
There is a special offer right now.
It's usually 600 €, but now it's only 500 €”
Maybe you are clever and you show it to every woman between 25 to 55 in your area.
Now you're going to start showing that ad and a certain percentage of women are gonna be interested in it.
A certain percentage of women might be in the future.
But the vast majority of women don't want to buy.
Maybe they already have Botox or they don't know what it is.
It really doesn't matter.
This is how it always has been, you don't have to be worried about it.
So that is the one step in advertising.
Now if you want to know the two step advertising, you have to wait.
But don't worry, your wait will be rewarded.
The two step advertising is a lot more important than people realize.
It can save businesses!
But now, what did we learn today?
The offer exists to get clients to do something.
And the offer needs to be low threshold, to get people to buy!