Everyone who wanted to start a business had to overcome obstacles.
At times, it was so difficult to cope with a problem that they were already thinking whether it was worth it at all...
But you succeeded, didn't you?
You persevered because you saw in front of you that all of this would pay off if you invested enough energy into it.
However, even if you could be the best in your profession, it won't be enough for success if your target market doesn't know about it.
Marketing is a complex profession on its own, which means you would have to start over again doing a long and challenging process...
The differences is that you are reading our article, so you're already on the right track!
I guarantee that by the time you finish reading, you'll know more about marketing than most businesses!
What do people need to decide to purchase a service or product?
An impulse.
What can cause an impulse?
A problem to be solved.
What if people don't even know they have a problem?
Make them aware!
Every successful advertisement uses the same formula:
Problem - Agitate - Solution.
They will only capture people's attention if they can identify with their advertisement.
Someone who suffers from back pain will stop at an advertisement that confronts their problem.
For example:
"Constantly plagued by back pain?
Can't even enjoy the comfort of your home after work?
Want to rest without pain from the everyday difficulties?
Book an appointment at our massage salon to feel rested and liberated of the pain!
Marketing can be this simple.
But, like everything else, it takes a lot of time to get a hang of it and as a business we know you don’t have much of it to spare…
BUT we can help with that!
Go to the homepage and get in touch with us today so we can check this off immediately among your many other tasks.