This is how you ran ads!
Many businesses are trash of making ads.
They know what ads are or they even have ads, but they don't know how to get people to buy from them.
Do you know why?
Because they can't write. They don't know how to write and get people to be interested.
And this is a bad problem.
But no worries!
This article will tell you how to build ads that people love.
You don't even have to be a super genius to do this.
You have to just listen, take notes and get your focus right.
So let's begin…
I remember when I first had to create an ad for a prospective client.
It was really stressful.
You see others do it and think to yourself “how hard can this actually be”.
Well, let me tell you.
Without this secret it can be really hard.
Not because you are stupid.
Just because you are told a multitude of things from different “business” people.
They really don't know about marketing or running a successful advertising campaign.
If you were working for a local business or for your own local business, you don’t have the budget.
Unlike some of these so-called “professionals” who have unlimited resources.
You aren’t a big firm, and that is ok.
They are doing their marketing wrong anyway.
But here’s the catch. They can afford to…
So, throwing a lot of money at the problem may work for some.
However, when you are the majority of businesses who have a small budget to play with.
Taking those sorts of risks is not worth it.
Next question is where do I go from here?
You do some research based on what other local businesses have done and supposedly found success with.
You have some sources saying you need a cute puppy or newborn baby.
Other sources suggest that it should be strictly a business affair.
Looking further, some sources suggest pushing your brand and name out there as much as possible.
Whilst other sources said that repeating the same message over and over again would lose the interest.
Time was of the essence for me to get this ad live.
Like any other person, I decided to take the easy option out for now.
I had a look at some of the competitors ads and based my one off theirs.
Basically, I took someone else’s homework, added my own flare to not make it an obvious copy paste job.
Then I passed it off as my own. I know what you are thinking.
But it is better to start from somewhere than nowhere.
Besides, it is no secret that a lot of marketers are doing this.
If a competitor is doing something groundbreaking, or just works well.
Why not jump on that bandwagon in your own way?
The obvious reason why most ads don’t convert.
As you can see, overdoing it with your ads can end up distracting potential customers from the message you want to portray.
You may be thinking, “well this isn’t the case for me”.
You may even say, “why not do the opposite and keep things simple?”
Simple is nice.
But, being ultra simple is just as bad as being overly complicated.
If you just make statements in your ads, then no one is going to know what to do with that information.
If you said “call [your name] today”, what does that mean?
You might as well say “cows are expensive to buy”.
Does it even make any sense?
Would you take any action if you saw that on an ad?
If you are like 99% of people out there, then your answer is probably no.
The harsh reality is that the majority of people won’t do that instinctively.
You want clarity. Clarity and simplicity make sure that the right people for your service/product respond to your ad.
Doesn’t matter if you have a 10/10 service or product in your line of business.
If your marketing message is only a 4/10, guess what?
People are going to perceive your business as being only a 4/10.
So it's time to fix your marketing.
Now how do you avoid the mistakes that I made and skip right to the good part?
First things first, here’s what not to do.
You don’t want to waste your money.
This sounds obvious. Yet so many businesses out there are doing it every day.
What are they wasting their money on?
They have been wrapped up with the idea of “branding”. The latest of marketing buzzwords.
It is what all the big successful companies are focusing on, so must be the way forward right?
As we mentioned already, you don’t have the budget these companies have.
The same way I didn’t.
Then why on earth would you copy their strategy and hope that it works for you.
Not to mention that if you are focusing on “branding” and alike, how do you measure that your marketing is a success?
Yes, branding is important, but as a smaller local business your first priority is of course getting money in the door.
So, this is where your marketing needs to focus on for now.
The good news here is that you can measure this sort of advertising.
This leads us to the one principle which changes everything.
The Pearson Law.
“What is measured improves”.
Want the secret to making any ad convert?
Make the ad measurable.
The first thing I do when I start working with clients is start with this simple rule:
Every single ad we run needs to pay for itself in some measurable way, shape or form.
There is no time for any vague wishy washy marketing jargon and campaigns.
We need measurable, solid results.
There’s plenty of ways to do this and it’s doable for every single business, yours included.
You can do this yourself, but it can be hard, stressful and Time consuming.
But you can also do it in a simple, easy and fast way.
Remember that nobody is going to succeed in this life without help.
So I recommend you to take that help and succeed in this life now.